
Hi! I'm Sarah Marie

Looking to make money affiliate marketing? Here's how

Published 10 months ago • 3 min read

Making Money Affiliate Marketing

Some links in this email may be affiliate links, which means I make a small commission off of purchases made at no extra cost to you. It supports me so I can keep sending out free emails each week so... thanks!

As promised, here is your very first creator tip of the week!

I am super excited to get back to sending emails to you and really building that relationship back up.

Let's get to it.

Struggling to make money with affiliate marketing?

I get it. You probably hear about making money with affiliate marketing ALL. THE. TIME.

Everyone likes to say how easy it is, but when you try to do it yourself... your affiliate link clicks have tumbleweeds blowing through them.

What is up with that?!

I talked about the basics to affiliate marketing here in my latest YouTube videoso check that out if you want the full rundown. It's honestly a great watch! (Am I allowed to say that about my own content?)

But of course, we'll talk about the main points right here.

  1. Finding affiliate links

This is, as you'd expect, the first step to affiliate marketing. And it's something I struggled with in the beginning.

Because you really want to avoid recommending products you've never used before. Otherwise, you risk the product not being very good and losing the trust you've built with your audience!

Which means, you're a bit limited to the things you already own that make sense within your niche.

So it may take some time to build up a list of products for you to recommend as you slowly buy more products to talk about!

2. Where are the best places to sign up for affiliate marketing?

  • Amazon

Amazon is a popular one, although I have a love-hate relationship with them since they have such a low commission rate.

On the flip side though, Amazon is trustworthy, has every product under the sun and once you get someone to Amazon, if they decide to buy other products- you get a commission for those sales as well!

It's a trade-off.

  • Share-a-Sale

This company works a bit differently because they're an affiliate network, not a single company.

Meaning you sign up for the network and, once approved, you can sign up for other companies within their network.

It's a bit of an extra step, but there is a plus side!

All the money you make from every company goes towards your $50 payout threshold. Meaning you don't have to worry about hitting multiple payout thresholds.

Plus, all your links are in one place so it makes things more organized and easier!

If you want to try out Share-a-Sale sign up here! It's worth it, I promise.

3. Make sure you're legally covered!

When starting to work on affiliate marketing, you want to make sure you are covered legally on both your blog in general and your disclaimers for affiliate marketing specifically.

This was one of the mistakes I made in the beginning.

You need to have a Private Policy page, a Terms and Conditions page AND a Disclaimers page on your site to be legal.

I just had a Private Policy page... that I copied and pasted from somewhere random on the internet.

I can not stress how much you DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!

I got lucky that nothing ever happened to me, but you don't want to risk doing the same.

So you have two options.

Shell out the big bucks to hire a real lawyer to write these pages for you, or buy legal templates online and do it yourself.

One is going to cost you an arm and a leg, and this one costs less than $200.

I bought a legal bundle from a full-time lawyer and part-time blogger who makes legal templates for bloggers like us!

It was super easy to use, with clear instructions and then it was just copy and paste (The right way... not how I did it!)

Check them out right here.

If you want to learn more about creating affiliate marketing content that sells, how to make your links stand out, and everything else I covered, check out the video below!

video preview

See you next week!


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hi! I'm Sarah Marie

I give out tips about content creation every single week! We talk about everything from blogging, YouTube, social media, business, and more! Subscribe to get all the juicy emails!

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